Reverso, your chameleon

Console, coffee table or stool?

Reverso is your multifunctional, space-saving console! Made up of 2 or 4 modules mounted on the wall, this console hides multiple functions. Once detached from their bracket, the modules easily transform into stools or side tables, perfect for any need. When hung on the wall, their shape provides a convenient space to store your items. Reverso is available in 4 different configurations, and the profile for wall mounting is included.

Reverso is...

Composizione numero 3 di Reverso, appesa a parete, nella quale troviamo due coppie di Reverso sia altezza 47 cm che altezza 63 cm

It's a console

Hung on the wall with its bracket, Reverso transforms into a sideboard or entryway furniture.

Lo spazio interno a Reverso può essere utilizzato per riporre degli oggetti, come se fosse una porzione di libreria

It's a bookcase

The side compartments are practical containers to store whatever you want

It's a stool

Turned upside down, it becomes the stool you need for an extra seat

It's a bench

Strength lies in unity, and we place no limits on your creativity.
Combine more Reverso and create whatever you want... we start with a bench, what will you create?

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